Bisi Bele Bath Powder

1 spoon
For 4 people
Health Benefits
4 tbsp Chana dal
4 tbsp Urad dal
8 tbsp Coriander seeds
2 tbsp Poppy seeds
2 tbsp Cumin seeds
1 teaspoon Fenugreek seeds
2 tsp Black peppercorns
4 pieces Bay Leaves
5 inches Cinnamon
5 pieces Marathi moggu
quarter Serving Dry coconut
1 teaspoon Oil
30 pieces Byadgi red chilies
1 teaspoon Asafoetida
Heat a pan over high flame and lower it once the pan is hot.
Dry roast Chana Dal and Urad Dal until golden and fragrant. Transfer to a large bowl.
Dry roast Coriander Seeds until golden brown, then add to the bowl.
Roast Poppy Seeds until golden and add to the same bowl.
Roast the remaining spices until fragrant, then transfer to the bowl.
Dry roast grated Dry Coconut until golden and add to the bowl.
Add Oil to the pan and roast the Red Chilies. Transfer to the bowl and add Asafoetida.
Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature, then grind into a fine powder.
Store in an airtight container for up to a couple of months.
Serves: 300 grams (approx.)
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