Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe

This dish is a traditional festivity transformed into a plateful of joy, offering not just a sweet treat but a piece of cultural heritage. Indulge carefully, as its seductive sweetness is more than meets the eye!

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Image of Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe Recipe
40 Mins
Prep:15 Mins
Cook:25 Mins

3 Pieces

For 4 people




Extra Sweet

Health Benefits

Quick energy boost due to high sugar content.

Fermentation of the batter can aid in digestion.

Contains a modest amount of protein from the flour.

Saffron in the syrup can offer antioxidants.

Can improve mood with its sweet taste and satisfying texture.

389 kcal

in 152g









Sodium, Na:


Potassium, K:


Jalebi, a popular Indian sweet, is cherished for its crispy texture and sweet, syrupy flavor. This traditional treat is made by deep-frying maida (refined flour) batter in pretzel-like shapes, which are then soaked in sugary syrup. Often enjoyed during festivals and celebrations, jalebi has a special place in Indian cuisine and hearts.

This recipe contain 3 sections




100 grams Sour curd

80 ml Water

half kg Refined flour

320 ml Water

8 tbsp water


In a deep stock pot, mix sour curd with 80 ml of water using a whisk to create buttermilk.

Gradually add refined flour to the buttermilk, ensuring no lumps remain.

Incrementally mix in 325-350 ml of water until the batter reaches a semi-smooth consistency. Adjust water based on the moisture of the curd.

Cover and allow the batter to ferment in a warm place. The fermentation time varies with climate: 12-15 hours in winter and 8-9 hours in summer.

Once fermented, stir the batter and adjust consistency by adding approximately 8 tablespoons of water.


Jalebi is energizing due to its high sugar content, which provides a quick burst of energy.

However, it's high in calories and sugars, making it unsuitable for diabetics and those with heart conditions.

Sugar Syrup



1 kg Sugar

450 ml Water

1 pinch Saffron

half teaspoon Organic food color

half teaspoon Lemon Juice


Combine sugar and 450 ml water in a pan. Heat until the sugar dissolves.

Add saffron, food color, and lemon juice. Cook until the syrup reaches one-string consistency.

Keep the syrup warm for dipping the jalebis.





Heat oil in a flat-bottomed pan to 160°C.

Pour the batter into a piping bag, cut a small tip, and pipe spirals into the hot oil.

Fry until golden brown, then immediately dip in warm sugar syrup for 30 seconds.

Remove and let excess syrup drain.

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Know more about Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe

A typical serving 3 Pieces of Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe (152 grams) contains approximately 389 calories. The calorie count may vary based on the type and amount of ingredients used during preparation. It may vary based on your ingredients, cooking method or preparation.

The amount of fat in Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe depends on the ingredients and preparation method. On average, one serving 3 Pieces (152 grams) of Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe contains approximately 11 grams of fat. You can reduce the fat content by using less oil or substituting with a healthier oil option. Want a low-fat version of Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe? Check out Nutribit App for healthier tweaks and nutritional breakdowns!

The protein content in Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe depends on the recipe and serving size. On average, 3 Pieces of Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe (about 152 grams) contains approximately 3.9 grams of protein. If you're customizing your Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe, consider adding ingredients with higher protein content.

The amount of sugar in an Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe varies depending on the recipe and serving size. On average, 3 Pieces (about 152 grams) contains about 38 grams of sugar. If you're looking to reduce sugar, try using less sweetener or opting for natural alternatives like honey or maple syrup in moderation. Want a healthier twist? Download Nutribit app for healthy alternatives or to track your calories.

The number of carbs in Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe depends on the serving size and the recipe used. On average, 3 Pieces (about 152 grams) contains about 67 grams of carbohydrates.

Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe contains approximately 0.6 grams of fiber in 3 Pieces (about 152 grams). The exact amount depends on the ingredients, quantity and preparation. Want a healthier twist? Opt for a whole-grain options to boost fiber content!

Absolutely! Making Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe is easier than you might think, especially with a simple step-by-step provided in the Nutribit recipe. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned baker, you can make a delicious Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe with a few basic ingredients. Want to make it even easier? Try prepping the filling in advance or using a food processor for the crust. With just a little effort, you’ll have Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe that’s perfect for any occasion!

Making a Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe typically takes around 40 Mins.

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How to burn 389 calories?

The amount of exercise required to burn off 3 Pieces Authentic Indian Jalebi Recipe

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0 steps

Average 2.3 ft stride

0 mins walk

5 km/hr or 3 mph

0 mins run

9 km/hr or 6 mph

0 mins cycling

General, no slope

The information provided is calculated based on the average height and the weight provided by you. Actual nutritional needs and results can vary depending on your specific height, weight, age, gender, and activity level. Always consult with a certified professionals or healthcare provider for dietary and exercise advice.